Fridge Clean-out and Organization

Additional Fridge Organization Tips

  1. Group like items but put items closer to their spoilage date closer to the front.
  2. Don't put temperature sensitive items (like meats & dairy) on the door.
  3. First in, first out method for using items.
  4. Less is more. When it's too crowded, that is when food is forgotten and wasted.
  5. Isolate apples and potatoes to not spoil other foods.
  6. NEVER refrigerate tomatoes, avocados, bananas or eggplants.
  7. Keep meats on bottom shelves or in a place where they won't leak onto other foods.
  8. Clear containers. NO FOIL!

Fridge Finds

In Module 2: Use What You Have, I'll explain why I chose to prioritize these ingredients and how I'm going to use them as quickly as possible.

Your Turn!

Homework: Clean out your fridge. What are your fridge finds?

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