Pantry Clean-out and Organization
What's Happening in the Video?
- Clean out section-by-section or one shelf at a time
- Take everything out and put on a table or counter so you can see it
- Wipe down the shelves
- Fit shelf height (if they adjust) to suit your items
- Transfer foods to better storage containers:
- more appropriate size for the amount
- glass
- clear or see-through
- air tight
- free standing
- Press extra air out of bags. Use tape, rubber bands or binder clips/chip clips to hold them closed.
- Group like items. Return items to the shelves by category (grains, legumes, vinegars, oils, nuts, teas, etc.)
- Replenish spice jars with bulk/back up ingredients (ex. sesame seeds, cinnamon)
- Store bulk and back up ingredients out of the way (top shelf).
- Take note of staples or other key ingredients that are running low.
- Taste and, if necessary, dispose of "bad" ingredients.
- Make items visible:
- store taller & larger behind
- turn so labels are facing out
- cut out and reuse labels from original packaging
- use tape/marker or label maker
- don't overcrowd the shelves
- Expired and rancid cooking spray that I never used. It was given to me by a neighbor and is not something I typically use. I tried!
- Stale crackers someone brought over to a party.
- Walnuts - to the fridge for freshness
- Cinnamon - refilled from the bulk supply and moved to the accessible every day spice rack
Challenge Ingredients
In the next lecture, I'll explain why I chose to not return these items to my pantry and some of my plans for them.